Mother used marijuana butter to stop her child’s seizures – then her kids were taken from her

The political climate in regards to cannabis has been shifting over the past few years. CBD oils are getting more and more popular, as have the various products made from hemp. Medical marijuana has been legalized in a few states, and some have even passed legislation allowing the sale and use of recreational marijuana. For both libertarians and those who know the truth about cannabis, these instances are seen as huge victories in the battle for complete liberty in America.

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go in the battle to de-demonize marijuana on a societal scale.

23-year-old Kelsey Osborne recently had the custody of her children taken away after treating her child’s seizures with cannabis butter — something that many advocates of marijuana have proven to work. Her attempt at keeping her child from suffering has been seen as a criminal act by the powers that be…

Alex Riggins of Magic Valley reports, “Osborne said she was forced to use the marijuana butter, which she made herself and contains THC, because CBD oil isn’t available in Idaho. Idaho is the only state from the surrounding states that still bans all forms of marijuana use, both medical and otherwise. Wyoming and Utah passed bills in the past two years that grant supervised use CBD oil to treat intractable epilepsy or seizure disorders.”

It’s disgusting that the global elite continue to pretend that there is no natural solution to many of our health concerns so that they can continue to push the Big Pharma myth. By trying to get everyone in the country addicted to chemicals peddled by the pharmaceutical companies, they are looking to enslave all of us further.

There are actual evil people in this world. We see this every single day. Parents that are trying to keep their children healthy and safe are not evil people and they should not be treated as if they were. The real evil people in this world are the government officials that keep the American people from knowing the truth about marijuana. The real evil people in this world are those that protect the system that has forced us all to crumble underneath the powers that be.

Shame on the real evil people in this world. Shame on the federal government for refusing to protect the American people. It’s up to us to combat this tyrannical sickness that is plaguing our country. It is up to us to bring liberty back to America.



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