News & Articles By Claire Rankin
By Claire Rankin
What to consider if marijuana is regulated
Despite pouring billions into enforcing the law on drugs, governments have found that all these efforts have done very little to reduce drug supply or demand, or wrest control of the criminal organisations in charge of the global drug trade. In fact, a drug-free world appears to be nothing more than a dream, and drug-users […]
By Claire Rankin
Cannabis as a survival preparedness resource
The cannabis plant is one of the most versatile plants imaginable. Modern media has portrayed cannabis as a mind-altering narcotic used only by losers, hippies and/or the most dysfunctional members of society. However, times are a-changing. With decriminalization and increased acceptance of the plant, people everywhere are beginning to recognize that cannabis has literally dozens […]
By Claire Rankin
Marijuana and epileptic seizures
Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system that is characterized by loss of consciousness and repeated seizures and convulsions. Epilepsy is caused by sudden electrical surges in the brain. Each patient’s reaction to this electrical activity in the brain is different. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence and some studies are underway to […]
By Claire Rankin
Five things you should know about juicing cannabis
Pressed vegetable juices are becoming very popular all over the world right now, and with good reason. There are plenty of reasons to ingest cannabis in its raw form. On top of its wonders for overall health, it tastes good when combined with other vegetables or fruits. Thousands of people testify that juicing does work […]
By Claire Rankin
Should cannabis use be regulated by the authorities?
Government regulations are generally designed to protect the rights of consumers and to protect those who are vulnerable, such as children. For instance, authorities have regulated the sale and use of alcohol and tobacco. Without such regulations, the authorities would not be able to control under-age alcohol and tobacco consumption. Although the majority of Americans […]
By Claire Rankin
United States tax money generated from marijuana legalization
Marijuana, drugs, taxes – all subjects that inevitably generate emotion. Most of us detest paying tax, but on a positive note, taxes enable governments to provide many essential and varied services to the community such as schools, police, fire fighting services, healthcare, road building and maintenance, etc. Several states in the US have legalized marijuana […]
By Claire Rankin
Heat seeking sensors in the UK detect indoor cannabis cultivation used by both police and thieves
The illegality of cannabis cultivation in the UK has not stopped people from farming the plant. Due to the cold weather and short growing season, indoor farms have proliferated over the last few years. This has led to police using heat seeking sensors to detect indoor cannabis farming operations but paradoxically, burglars have been known […]
By Claire Rankin
Marijuana use in ancient Egypt
There is abundant evidence to show that marijuana was in use as a natural product in ancient Egypt. Egyptologists confirm that the uses for this versatile plant ranged from religious use to practical uses in everyday life such as fabric manufacture. It was also widely used as a natural treatment for different ailments. Marijuana is […]
By Claire Rankin
Cannabis crimes – Two countries in Asia with harsh penalties for marijuana users
The death penalty still exists in over 30 countries around the world if one is caught carrying even a small amount of marijuana. Historically, the use of cannabis for various purposes in Asia dates back for thousands of years. However, the virtual world-wide ban on cannabis means that for those living in or visiting certain […]
By Claire Rankin
Marijuana and obesity – what the studies show
Obese or overweight people have large amounts of body fat which can result in health problems such as diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure. They are also more prone to develop insulin resistance, which is a precursor to diabetes. How does marijuana use help to control obesity? Although marijuana use is commonly associated with increased […]
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